YouTube recently updated its terms of service, adding the new function “Right to Monetize” for those who are not a part of the YouTube Partner Program (YPP), which allows influencers and creators to make a profit when ads are being run through their videos. The YPP gives creators some leeway when it comes to ads in their videos, and they may still have the option for the skip feature. Those creators who are not part of YPP will not have the same advantages. Many YouTube creators do not qualify to be part of YPP, so now that ads are going to be in their videos, they will not be making a share of profit.
This may not be good news for the viewers who skip through these ads, although for ad agencies and other companies who are searching for places to put their ads, this may be a welcome change. There is now more space available for companies to show their product or information to the world.
A lot of people have been using YouTube for quite some time now, and it’s an app where you are completely engaged with what you are viewing. YouTube itself says, “Viewers are 2x more likely to buy something they saw on YouTube. Over 70% of viewers say that YouTube makes them more aware of the new brands.” This is prime time for companies to get their word out.