Last November, Twitter introduced Fleets: full-screen tweets, images or videos that disappear in 24 hours. While this feature was originally created to help Twitter users share momentary thoughts, Twitter is now ready to monetize it. On June 1, Twitter launched the pilot of Fleet Ads, providing advertisers with new “full-screen billboards” on the social platform.
Currently available to just 10 advertisers, Fleet Ads are 9:16 full-screen videos or images that appear in between users’ Fleet stories. Twitter hopes this small pilot will help the company understand how full-screen vertical ads perform on the social platform, and the ways in which current Twitter users engage with them. This data will then be used to better optimize Fleet Ads to more advertisers in the future.
So, what can advertisers expect from Fleet Ads? While Twitter has yet to report the number of Fleet engagers, if it’s anything similar to Twitter’s in-feed ads, Fleet Ads will provide advertisers with a powerful opportunity to connect with new audiences on the platform. In-feed Twitter ads saw a 35% increase in total engagements since 2020, and the cost-per-engagement decreased by 3%. Though the original Fleet feature was met with mixed reactions, Twitter reports that more than 75% of people say they like ads in the vertical Fleet format, and that 73% of Fleet users engage with other users’ Fleets.
Since Fleet ads feature a “swipe-up” call to action, audiences will now be able to quickly access brand websites without disrupting their social media flow. eCommerce and direct-to-consumer brands may find this function especially impactful in linking specific product pages, while other advertisers could find value in linking pages geared toward lead generation.
Additionally, since Twitter features different demographics than Facebook or Instagram, media strategists may find more success in reaching specific audiences through the new placement. For example, Twitter is currently positioned to be an ideal platform in marketing toward gaming audiences, as 55% of gamers visit the platform daily, and tweets about gaming increased by 75% since 2019. And while the current demographics of Fleet users remain unknown, advertisers may find the placement to be a powerful tool in experimenting with different audiences. Performance metrics such as impressions, profile visits, website visits, video views and more are available to view in Fleet Ads.
At the very least, Twitter Fleet Ads help the social platform catch up to competitors like Instagram and Snapchat, who have provided vertical advertising since 2017. This feature, along with Twitter’s expanded relationship with Nielsen, indicates Twitter’s newfound commitment to expanding advertising capabilities. Ultimately, advertisers can look forward to getting more value and innovation out of Twitter.