The number-one issue every modern-day advertiser battles daily is how to cut through the overcrowded digital ad space when consumers are uninterested in recycled ads and don’t trust brands that aren’t personal or authentic. With the death of the cookie looming, advertisers are being forced to think outside the box. They are revising how they buy ads and utilize data to provide more personalized ads to the consumers they desperately want to reach.
Advertisers are now turning to video ads, relevant keyword targeting and personalized positioning efforts on top of utilizing more first-party data collected through rewards programs and discount codes. Improving relevance and measurement will be essential in this new cookie-less world. Dynamic ads that brands can serve to consumers in real-time offer customizable content that can make consumers feel valued by the brands they’re exposed to.
Contextual advertising is an advertiser’s secret weapon. Positioning ads within contextually relevant environments increases an ad’s viewability and provides a seamless, non-disruptive mode of advertising. Contextual advertising uses unique technology to tag in-content articles, videos and headlines that offers ad space alongside content the user has already engaged with.
Advertisers and brands should focus on building trustworthiness for effective advertising. New AI technology allows for in-content strategies that will deliver personalized, timely content, but it also generates contextual data about the consumer without cookies. By delivering content that is personalized for each consumer, the brands and advertisers are one step closer to adding a key emotional moment of connection with the consumer.